Issue 98
Inside Issue 98
Calm in the Middle of Chaos
- Influencer photographer Joe Edelman never fails to deliver tips and tricks for studio portraits that are not only creative but also practical. With his known exquisite style for beauty and fashion, this time around he shows us how chaos is an important element in adding dynamics when it comes to photo composition.
Seamless White
- By incorporating fashionable flair and textiles into her portraits, Nicole Carson Bonilla walks you through building a seamless white studio setup with a king-sized white bedsheet for the background. Her lighting tutorial is always integral to her process by using speedlights and leveraging v-flats to control the spills and balance the bounce.
Hard Light vs. Soft Light
- Differentiating what hard light and soft light can do to studio portraits is critical. Take it from a portrait photographer Ian Munro how he deconstructs the difference in contrast and shadows and his preferred look for the comparison.
Beauty Against Backlight
- What makes Evgeny Loza's portfolio striking to the naked eye is how he enwraps the model's physique in backlights. With his specialty in boudoir and fine arts photography, he captures both genres with consistency and iridescence using a telephoto lens and high-speed sync - be it from outdoors to an indoor setup.
Tropical Glamour
- When it comes to beauty and glamour, there is so much one can do with a simple two-lighting setup. Jarell Johnston points out how adding a warm color gel to secondary lighting captivates the mood and how adding reflector balances unwanted shadows.
Joe Edelman
Evgeny Loza
Nicole Carson Bonilla
Ian Munro
Jarell Johnson
Mark Gaso
Bienna Cornacchia
Editor-in-Chief: Mark Gaso
On the cover: Model: Claire Barnes
Makeup Artist: Monae Mallory